Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Science Road Show

Written by Sam and Ashley

Last Thursday, we went to Howick Intermediate School for the Science Road Show. We went with Mr Wright, students from a few other classes, and parent helpers. We were excited to be chosen from our class.

At noon, we hopped on the bus excitedly. The ride was about 15 minutes long. When we got there, we had to wait outside for about 8 minutes. Then we got to go in. It was amazing! There were so many things to do. Some things were dangerous. For example, there was the bed of nails. The bed of nails is for people to lie on, as long as they can. We didn't go on that because it was too scary.

For the show, we had to sit on the ground. There were three other schools so it was really crowded. We watched the 'Up Down All Around' show. We saw it on their Smartboard. We learned that if you swing a cup around on a flat surface, it won't fall off.

After the show, we got to look around and play with the science experiment displays. There were so many things to do. There was also a draw to win 3D glasses and a picture. I (Ashley) went into it but didn't win anything. When we had finished looking around, we had to go back and watch another show. We learned to never to blow bubbles in front of a fire or it will make a big bang. It was awesome! After that, we had to leave so we went outside and hopped on the bus. After about 15 minutes we were back at school.

It was the best Thursday ever. We had lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could go and visit Howick Intermidiate School and do those cool experiments!
